Our Team Fearless Youth Membership Is About Building Confident & Fearless Young People!

"I am gonna show you how great i am" -Muhammad Ali

our youth programs have grown from just one day a week to 2 different programs running 6 days a week that includes top ranked boxers in ontario and athletes pushing for greatness in all sports!. no young persons situation is the same and mohammeds goal is to give everyone the chance to learn and grow. This program does that by nurturing and building confidence in our kids. when you register you will have the flexibility to decide when the student comes and goes! This model gives a critical advantage to every student who wants or needs somewhere safe to go after school.

Youth mentoring & Support.

Fearless has created programs and activities to help our youth, mentors and mentees stay connected during this challenging time. The power of building relationships in a safe and positive environment is important, now more than ever!

The Perfect Surrounding

The after-school timeslot is crucial to many youth who either need somewhere to go or require a safe place to engage their peers and further develop their character, interests, and passions.

We promote Youth mental health, using boxing as a tool for coping with mental health related issues and building confident ambitious young leaders.